Hi, my name is Adam.
I am a Python developer
who focuses on developing
Data products using
SQL, Tableau and GIS
A warehouse in Snowflake can be renamed using the ALTER command in combination with the RENAME TO command.
old_warehouse_name ALTER RENAME TO new_warehouse_name
A warehouse or virtual warehouse in Snowflake is a cluster of compute resources with the necessary resources to perform query and or DML operations during a Snowflake session. This is not to be confused with a traditional data warehouse.
Denormalization is adding in redundant data back into data that has been normalized. This is only possible if the data has been normalized. Typically this is done to increase query performance.
When data is normalized, it is stored in way that minimizes duplicate and unstructured data. Normalization attempts to achieve a standardized and logical format across an entire data system. This is commonly achieved using normal forms.
To access all files in the current directory use * with a simple for loop structure.
for FILE in *; do echo $FILE; done do echo $i done To write this as a single line on the command line separate the lines by semicolons.
for FILE in *; do echo $FILE; done
A simple for loop in Bash follows the basic structure of:
for i in 1 2 3 do echo $i done To write this as a single line on the command line the lines need to separated by semicolons.
for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done